Our Process

Our Customized
Investment Process

At VICTORY ROAD ADVISORS, our goal is to provide you with a tailored investment experience that aligns with your personal risk tolerance and return appetite. To achieve this, we follow a two-step process:

Step 1: Determine Your Risk Tolerance and Return Appetite

We begin by asking you to complete a brief questionnaire designed to identify your specific preferences for risk and return.

This questionnaire produces a risk score, provided by our partner Nitrogen, which is based on a mathematically driven, probability-based application rooted in Nobel Prize-winning theory.

Unlike other approaches, we express your risk and return preferences in dollar terms for clarity rather than using subjective labels such as conservative, moderate, or aggressive.

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Step 2: Calibrate Your Portfolio to Your Personal Risk and Return Preferences

Next, we securely upload your existing portfolio, assess its risk and return implications over a six-month horizon, and make necessary adjustments to align it with your risk score.

You'll be able to view the risk profile of each portfolio holding, as well as the overall portfolio's risk profile.

We also generate longer-term dollar-based projections, taking into account factors such as expected contributions, payments, inflation, and other relevant planning considerations.

Additionally, we can review your portfolio's behavior using various financial market scenarios for perspective. Finally, we create a statement of investment policy to guide you as time progresses.

A picture of an equation with the number of people.
A heatmap of the price of different types of items.
A chart showing the growth of an individual 's net worth.
A series of different types of stress tests.


VICTORY ROAD ADVISORS offers retail clients institutional-level consulting to objectively determine their specific risk and return expectations in dollar terms over six-month horizons and propose the most suitable portfolio.

Our fixed fee for a consultation does not increase with asset size or growth, and we do not accept commissions or sell financial products.

We differ from most advisors by coaching our clients to be in control of their investment experience with an objective perspective.

Our clients benefit from rigorously determined probability assessments of their portfolio experience over six-month and longer intervals, expressed in dollar terms above and below their current portfolio value, and strict investment cost control.

Our approach focuses on objective quantitative determination rather than subjective labels, enabling long-term investors to maintain discipline during periods of sharp financial advances and declines and avoid emotional responses.

We believe realistic expectations based on probability analysis are crucial to success, as the long term consists of multiple shorter-term intervals.